But well, the reason that made me start this entry is more specific. Delsin's beautiful sister, Ann Aimee, is releasing a 4 reference compilation called inertia and, although I only have the two first releases, I can already say the series is already an important part of my collection.
Inertia #1 was released on October 14th, 2011 and includes cuts from Time to Express Chief Peter Van Hoesen and Fachwerk’s Roman Lindau as well as fellow label recruits Delta Funktionen and Sawlin. I'm not a big Delta F. fan but I'm really feeling this track, a very deep one this time. Van Hoesen's cut maintains the level he's used to serve. I love his hability to put severe and strong beats together with a well ridden dub feeling but well, who doesn't love him this days? Lindau's coming with a heavy stomping beat too, I think I'll be playing this one a lot. And finally Sawlin offers a quality trippy techno track. For me this one could be the best of this release. I simply love it please: have a listen. The cessation of motion is due to the opposing force...
Inertia #2 was released together with the first one. I don't understand why they decided to do this but I'm sure there's a reason for that. First track is from Marcelus, a new name for me, who offers a heavy house and techno fusion, I love the classic feeling on this track. One of the men of the moment, Sigha, goes deep and ominous with a track that, honestly, I think is one of his best ones. Redshape, well... I've never liked his sounds I'm sorry... this is too electro-techno-ish for me but I must admit that if I had to choose a track from him, it would be this one. Area Forty_One close out the package with a really useful track, pretty oringinal! If there is no opposing force...
Inertia#3 has been released this week, yesterday to be more exact. What could we expect from a release including four names like Lucy, M. Bradley, M. Dehnert and Ozka (another new name to me, thanks Delsin Recs.)? Exactly : perfect compressed dub, a perfectly driven techno track, a pure class club banger and a perfect darker and deeper textures track... what can I say? I just find this release perfect! The Motion Will Never Stop
Inertia#4 released also November 11th, closes this series that I think will be one of those that will mark an inflexion point of techno evolution... Filled with four contemporany big names, 4th Inertia starts with Skudge's "Pollution" a simply constructed but effective track as they've us used to. I really like Skudge and I'm always watching out for their newest stuff, which I'd like to be more frequent! Next track comes from Conforce and I could define it as the beauty of deepness, really recommended too. A bit more dubby comes Cosmic TRG, check this out, I think it'll be a name to follow too (at least I'll do). Fachwerk co-founder Sascha Rydell gets a little spaced out on his kinetic and melancholic effort, a really well chosen closing for this great compilation... I just can't wait to put my hands on nr. 3 and nr. 4... Stand out on its own, but peerless when paired with the other three parts, Inertia 4 ends a special project indeed.
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