A new interesting label has been launched. I'm still a vinyl defender but it'd make no sense to deny that the digital scene is growing day by day and there are a lot of serious people working behind some of this labels.
My last thoughts about this situation and the facts I'm seeing lately make me rethink about this digital vs vinyl discussions and well, I'm seeing my mind changing because of (in my honest opinion) some obvious facts: I think vinyl has become a platform for not risky projects. I mean, it looks like the last vinyl releases only publish tracks that sound like a safe product in order to be saleable. Opposite to this, I find some interesting digital labels that dare to publish really interesting, original and more risky stuff that most of the traditional (vinyl) labels wouldn't release because they maybe won't sell as much as needed. There are a lot of exceptions of course, classics (Blueprint, O-Ton, etc) and newcomers (SA, Dub Chronicles, etc).
I fully understand both positions. Vinyl releasing needs an investment that, unfortunatelly, most of the labels can't afford and netlabels look like a cheap alternative to let really good artists release their music... Well, this could be a never ending discussion. So let's go for bussines and let themselves present a new label with a very interesting first release.
After most of two years involved in netaudio scene, and even more after the sad demise of 2 of the most respected labels in the Creative Commons scene, like Antiritmo and Offaudio, from Drugstore felt that we had to contribute to try to return all the satisfaction that this community has given us. This is the beginning of Cicuta Netlabel.
Cicuta Netlabel is a project focused on bringing quality techno music throughout the world, for free, without prejudice. Our differentiator is that we want to have well-known artists, those that are not typically seen in the netaudio scene, and combining its proven quality with talent and drive of those artists who are growing and only need the world to discover your work to seduce.Our intention is to publish a monthly EP. These EPs will always be licensed under Creative Commons, and will can be downloaded for free from archive.org.To complement the aforementioned, we also want to have the best mixers of the techno scene, providing a regular podcast to all our supporters.What kind of music can you expect on our releases/podcast? The response is TECHNO, in upper case, and with several shades: dark, hard, industryal, melodic,…. We don’t want to lock ourselves in a unique style. If its techno, and we like it, we will publish it.
Big respect for Cicuta Netlabel, specially because they offer their releases for free, and we're not talking about one of those people offering for free tracks that no one would play, not at all. A big proof of it is the tracklisting on their first reference:
01. Kike Pravda – Quantum (04:55)
02. Vegim – Librium (06:19)
03. i1 Ambivalent – Home (05:21)
04. Mootiv – Work ‘Em Out (07:18)
05. One D & Edrian Sailing – Growing Shadows (06:13)
06. Drugstore – Udayan (06:17)
If you're not thinking in downloading it yet, you can also look at the feedback some artists have already given:
Excelente pack de techno inteligente y maduro. Me ha sorprendido en especial Vegim y como no mis favoritos Mootiv, One D & Edrian, creando dos tracks espectaculares!
Dosem (Sino, Soundfate, ES)
Cool EP gentlemen!. This label will definetly fill an empty void of techno netlabels. As for this first release, I really like Growing Shadows but the others are nice as well. Mastering sounds proper too!
Mattias Fridell (Mastertraxx, Planet Rhytmic, Audio Assault, SW)
I1 ambivalent & Kike tracks for me
Kr!z (Token Records, BE)
Geniales todos los temas!!! Un gran comienzo!!! Con la desaparición de Antiritmo y Offaudio hace falta un poco de buen techno en la escena netlabel española!!
Hermético (Inoquo Netlabel, ES)
The work from Vegim, i1 Ambivalent and Drugstore is really resonating with me at Darkfloor on this compilation EP. Of the 6 tracks that constitute this netlabels inception release these 3 are the darker and fit our vibe well. Expect support for these on air and in my sets.
DVNT (Mantis Radio, UK)
We like Kike Parvda track very much. Support for this project from Drugstore.
Concrete Djz (Armatura Records, RS)
I will play Home and Quantum!
Andreas Florin (We call it Hard, Planet Rhytmic, Subsequent, Take More Music, DE)
Congrats for the first one. The playlist looks great. Much diversity of techno inside there. My favourite track it’s he first one by Kike but it’s a solid release in general.
Peter Arendt (Heaven To Hell Records, UK)
Some great sounds on there. My personal favourites are Kike Pravda and i1 Ambivalent, they will be on the playlist for sure. And also full support for the label.
Doryk Aka P.C.M.N (Audio Exit, HU)
Really good sound. Nice to hear great techno on netlabels!! You’re the worthy “followers” of Antiritmo & Offtechno.
DJ L’embrouille (Mixotic, Loopzilla, FR)
El promo EP es bastante completo, lo usaré en mis sets en directo y radio Shows (DI.FM) New York y Spanish Wave ELECTIONRADIO.FM (Argentina)
Lady K (Nxt, Phrenetic Agency Sevilla)
Muy bueno el EP, me han gustado todos los tracks pero me quedo con el de Drugstore. Gracias por compartir.
Kill Minimal (Offaudio, ES)
Great tracks!. Vegim,Drugstore and i1 Ambivalent are my favs!
Stefano Infusino (Gynoid, HTH, Parallel 125, IT)
Some good driving techno tracks on this release! Good tracks for the modern techno floor, especially for the peak time hours at the club!
Patrick Krieger (M_REC, Elektrax, Sonntag Morgen, DE)
I support and I’ll play Kike Pravda’s track!
P.God (Prototypes, IT)
My favourites is i1 Ambivalent followed by Vegim. I will play both their tracks in my personal sets. I will also put the rest of the tracks in standard rotation on Fnoob Techno.
Daz Furey (Fnoob Radio, AR)
It is really amazing and good quality techno I found in this release !!!! Kike Pravda,Drugstore and Vegim are my favorite there. You did good job and I really hope some day I could join one of your releases!!!
Po (Ante-Rasa, Limetree, Afterstate, LV)
YetTken: Muy buen EP. Se nota muchísimo la influencia de Drugstore en todo el lanzamiento. Mis tracks preferidos son “Librium” de Vegim y “Growing Shadows” de One D & Edrian Sailing.
Armida: Me encantó. Excelente primera referencia, muy bien balanceado. La segunda parte del Ep es la que más me llamó la atención. Mis elegidos son: “Growing Shadows” de One D & Edrian Sailing y “Work ‘Em Out” de Mootiv.
Sound & Motion Netlabel (SV)
I find it amazing… There is no better way to start a Netlabel…As for the songs… I like the “heavy” beats (but you already knew that)Also nice to see Udayan on this… Unreleased song from the Drugstore podcast on 1MC.
Steve (1MC Radioshow, UK)
Awesome release! My favs are kike pravda and drugstore! Lovely stuff
Steve Pain (DE)
For me, One D and Edrian Sailing's track sounds pretty interesting but all the tracks are very nice.
A special name for me: Kike Pravda. I was a teenager going to highschool when I was infected by techno virus and I think that he's guilty for that. I remember Sunday mornings dancing on the little underground club that has given the name to Kike: Pravda club in Vitoria city... great, great, great stuff he played. I'd love to rescue some of those sets he used to play.
Well, this is their presentation. Let me mention a couple of words before I finish, that I think could describe Cicuta: eclecticism and professionality. And repeat the biggest point that has made me make the decision of making an entry for them: they'll serve quality techno for free... some other labels could learn a lesson...
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