Richard Oddie and Christina Sealey are Orphx, a really experienced duo and, in my honest opinion, a clear example of the kind of sounds that will always fix on any of my sets. They sound quite classic and modern at the same time and they maintain the darkness and the dub on their productions just in the right balance. So they're really close to perfection for me, specially their latest stuff.
This EP that I can't stop playing since I got it, around two months ago, has been published by Sonic Groove, a Berlin based (but Brooklyn born) label owned by the well known DJ Adam X. I've got to say SG is one of those labels that have always been there (founded in the early 90's) and that I feel really happy when I see they're still publishing records on these hard times...
I think this three tracker perfectly keeps SG and Orphx essences in a good point, more than the previous one (Division-EP). A side, comes with a track sounding a bit like those recent Blueprint EPs but with a more analogic, even xylophonic, touch which I really dig. "Vapour", the first track of the B side, is a track full of bass with a martian ambience around that sounds pretty useful track for me. It softly comes and goes to you while you don't even notice. The last track "Density Current" is the best for me. Starting with a growing melody that also suggest a martian invasion, it suddenly explodes to bring you to a broken beat that calls the rest of the elements of the track to come back in order to show us the real power inside of this track.
Again, that's what I'd call a great release. Thanks to Orphx and thanks to Sonic Groove.
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